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Booty Filler

There are so many options available to have a fuller, more proportioned butt, individualized to your body goals. Brazilian butt lifts, implants, and fat transfers are some of the many options available, but these types of procedures run the risk of possible complications being that they are invasive and surgical. We want to offer treatments that are non-invasive, safe, and effective so it does not disrupt the everyday activities of our patients. Sculptra Butt Lift and RHA filler for the buttock is a safer, more manageable treatment with minimal side effects and downtime. And the price is accessible to accommodate your budget!

Sculptra Butt Lift is a great alternative to getting a fuller looking butt without undergoing surgery. Sculptra is different because it is a type of filler that is injected into the buttocks area and has minimal to no side effects. It is an FDA approved filler (Sculptra for buttocks is off-label) that naturally works with your body to build collagen, while building volume. While you can see a difference immediately after the treatment, Sculptra can take weeks to months for the product to start working with your body to build collagen and volume. Results are usually seen around 3-4 months post treatment. It is carefully injected and feathered in, near the targeted muscles to create a firm and voluptuous appearance. While this is not a permanent treatment, results last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.

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